Hanuman Chalisa in Hindi and English with Audio on the market.
This hymn was written by Goswami Tulsidas in the sixteenth century. Tulsidas wrote these forty verses in the praise of Lord Hanuman. Forty in Hindi is called 'chaalees' and the hymn containing forty verses is called 'chaaleesa'.It is extremely popular among Hindus and is generally recited on Tuesday and Saturday (considered a holy day for devotees of Lord Hanuman). Hanumanji is also known as “ Pavan Putra ”.
Shri Hanuman is regarded as the God of power, strength and knowledge. He is known as the ‘param bhakt’ of lord Rama and is the incarnation of Lord Shiva. He was born to Kesari and Anjani on the Chaitra Shukla Purnima (Chaitra Shukla Purnima is the Full Moon Day on the Hindu Calendar Month of Chaitra) that is why, he is known as ‘KESERI NANDAN’ and ‘ANJANEYA’.
This app has an extremely simple and user friendly interface.
Salient Features:
1. English text of Shri Hanuman Chalisa
2. Hindi / Devnagari text of Shri Hanuman Chalisa
3. Will work without an Internet connection (completely offline version)
4. Soothing Melodious Audio
Хануман Chalisa на хинди и английском с аудио на рынке.
Этот гимн был написан Госвами Тулсидаса в шестнадцатом веке. Тулсидас написал эти сорок стихов в честь Господа Ханумана. Сорок Хинди называется "chaalees" и гимн, содержащий сорок стихов называется "chaaleesa '. Она чрезвычайно популярна среди индусов и, как правило, читал по вторникам и субботам (считается святой день для преданных Господа Ханумана). Хануманджи также известен как "Павана Путра».
Шри Хануман считается Богом власти, силы и знания. Он известен как "парам Bhakt" Господа Рамы и является воплощением Господа Шивы. Он родился в Kesari и Anjani на чайтра Шукла Пурнима (Chaitra Шукла Пурнима является День полнолуние на индуистской календарного месяца чайтра), а потому, что он известен как «KESERI Nandan» и «Anjaneya".
Это приложение имеет очень простой и удобный интерфейс.
Отличительные особенности:
1. Текст на английском языке Шри Хануман Chalisa
2. Хинди / Devnagari текст Шри Хануман Chalisa
3. Будет работать без подключения к Интернету (в автономном режиме версия)
4. Успокаивающий Мелодичные Аудио
Hanuman Chalisa in Hindi and English with Audio on the market.
This hymn was written by Goswami Tulsidas in the sixteenth century. Tulsidas wrote these forty verses in the praise of Lord Hanuman. Forty in Hindi is called 'chaalees' and the hymn containing forty verses is called 'chaaleesa'.It is extremely popular among Hindus and is generally recited on Tuesday and Saturday (considered a holy day for devotees of Lord Hanuman). Hanumanji is also known as “ Pavan Putra ”.
Shri Hanuman is regarded as the God of power, strength and knowledge. He is known as the ‘param bhakt’ of lord Rama and is the incarnation of Lord Shiva. He was born to Kesari and Anjani on the Chaitra Shukla Purnima (Chaitra Shukla Purnima is the Full Moon Day on the Hindu Calendar Month of Chaitra) that is why, he is known as ‘KESERI NANDAN’ and ‘ANJANEYA’.
This app has an extremely simple and user friendly interface.
Salient Features:
1. English text of Shri Hanuman Chalisa
2. Hindi / Devnagari text of Shri Hanuman Chalisa
3. Will work without an Internet connection (completely offline version)
4. Soothing Melodious Audio